LEV SHESTOV | Library | |
BOOKS IN ENGLISH Written over a period of 20 years and completed in 1937, it is clearly Shestov's crowning achievement - a critical overview of the history of Western philosophy from the standpoint of Shestov's vision of the destructive bondage that rationalist thought imposes on human spirit. This book (1929) constitutes a collection of Shestov's essays on Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Blaise Pascal, Descartes, Plotinus and Spinoza written in the 1920's. Shestov's sharp gift for philosophical criticism finds here its best examples. Published in 1923, this work is partly written in aphoristic form and represents Shestov's first attempt at a "critique of organized metaphysics" which he pursued relentlessly ever since. It also contains an essay on Edmund Husserl. The English translation was made from the French edition rather than the original Russian. This book is a posthumous collection of Shestov's essays written at different times and published in йmigrй journals. Shestov's daughters made the selection and issued the book in 1964 in Paris. Some essays deal with Shestov's celebrated contemporaries such as Martin Buber, Edmund Husserl, Nikolai Berdyaev, Lucien Lйvi-Bruhl. Others are devoted to Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and others. The book's longest essay, "Speculation and Apocalypse", treats of Vladimir Solovyov's philosophy. > The Good in the Teaching of Tolstoy and Nietzsche Published in 1900, this is the book that established Shestov as one of the more original thinkers of the Russian philosophical renaissance which included Berdyaev, Solovyov, S.Bulgakov, N.Fedorov and a host of other newly arisen luminaries at the juncture of an ominous century. > Dostoevsky and Nietzsche : Philosophy of Tragedy Immediately following upon the previous in 1903, Shestov continues here his exploration of a new vision of philosophy and the art of asking "first and last questions". Shestov called Dostoevsky his philosophical master. His second master, Friendrich Nietzsche is given here a very shestovian appreciation. > All Things are Possible (Apotheosis of Groundlessness) Originally published in Russia in 1905 under the striking title "Apofeoz Bespochvennosti", this collection of stark aphorisms dates from Shestov's so-called nihilistic period thought as you will see it already contains in grano most of his favorite insights. In 1920 it was translated into English by S.S.Koteliansky and published with a preface by D.H.Lawrence (no doubt to add "weight" to a then unknown author). The book passed unnoticed. Today it reads as fresh as a century ago. > Penultimate Words & Other Essays (Beginnings and Endings) Another collection of nihilistic essays and aphorisms dating from 1908. Translated and published in London in 1916 under the title "Anton Chekhov and Other Essays" and simultatneously in Boston as "Penultimate Words". The Russian version, called "Nachala i Kontzy", does not correspond exactly to the English editions as to essays included. > Kierkegaard and the Existential Philosophy First published in 1938 in a French translation, this is an account of Shestov's encounter with Kierkegaard who proved both a challenger and a brother in arms. The "struggle with Kierkegaard" spanned a decade and fueled some of Shestov's most uncompromising insights into the nature of faith as source of life.
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